Awakening Your Child’s Purpose: Spiritual Mentorship

for Young Souls (Ages 10-22)

In a world filled with uncertainty and overwhelming challenges, many young people—ages 10 to 22 and older —find themselves grappling with feelings of anxiety, depression, and a loss of direction. Jurema Silva, a reputable and renowned spiritual and holistic counselor, offers a safe space for adolescents and very young individuals to explore their inner struggles, uncover their true purpose in life, and most importantly, the reason why their spirit is here cohabiting this world.

Since the pandemic, Jurema has witnessed a profound increase in young individuals seeking spiritual guidance. The rise of technology, especially social media, has compounded these challenges, bombarding them with information they are often unprepared to process. Many young teens struggle to discern between positive and negative influences, leading to heightened emotions, distorted self-esteem, and a disturbed emotional balance. 

Jurema understands that these external pressures can leave young people feeling lost, surrounded by negativity and societal expectations, yearning for clarity and meaning. Her role is to help them navigate these turbulent waters, guiding them to understand the deeper reasons behind their experiences, emotions and the meaning of their existence.

Through her sessions, Jurema delves into the essence of who they are as a spirit experiencing life in a human body – many of these clients are old souls, which means they carry wisdom from past lives that can illuminate their current path forward. By channeling their past experiences, she helps them uncover the lessons they’ve learned, making sense of their suffering and the transformative journey they are on. This process not only alleviates their immediate concerns but also empowers them to embrace their life’s mission. For these young people, who are many times so lost and feeling out of place, it is fundamental to know and understand why their souls are back on this planet, and what they are supposed to do.

The results of her work together are nothing short of magical. Clients leave their sessions feeling lighter, with newfound clarity and purpose. They begin to see life through a different lens, understanding that their challenges are stepping stones towards growth and fulfillment.

Parents, if your child is struggling to find meaning and direction, consider this transformative journey with Jurema. She offers an alternative approach that combines spiritual guidance with holistic practices to address emotional and mental health issues. While she respects the role of medication and traditional therapy, her methods focus on empowering young people to learn how to elevate their energy and connect with their true selves, by treating not only the mind and feelings, but also the health of their spirit. Together, they will unlock their potential, helping them thrive in a world that often feels chaotic. Let’s discover their unique purpose and pave the way for a brighter, more meaningful future.

Helping young people understand the meaning of their journey and their life purpose – ‘why am I here for?’ – is the start of a soul transformation. Your child has the potential to become a very successful adult and cultivate a life with self-confidence and love for themselves.

Reach out today and take this first unique step towards a life filled with purpose and joy for your child. Session are conducted by phone or video.  320-260-7305


“Working with Jurema has been life-changing. I felt lost and overwhelmed, but she helped me understand my past and find my purpose. Now, I wake up excited about life!”


Age 17, Minnesota

“Jurema’s guidance has helped me navigate my anxiety and depression. Her insights into my past lives made everything click. I finally feel like I have a direction.”


Age 21, New York

“As a parent, I was worried about my daughter’s struggles. After just a few sessions with Jurema, I saw a remarkable change in her attitude and outlook on life. I can’t thank Jurema enough!”


Parent, Minnesota

“I never understood why I felt so out of place until I spoke with Jurema. She helped me uncover my true self and gave me the tools to embrace my journey.”


Age 15, Florida

“ I was able to go back to college again, thanks to Jurema’s help. My life changed completely after I talked to her. I have more meaning, I respect myself and know the reason I came back to this planet again”


Age 24, Minnesota

“ I was able to go back to college again, thanks to Jurema’s help. My life changed completely after I talked to her. I have more meaning, I respect myself and know the reason I came back to this planet again”


Age 24, Minnesota

”Jurema has been helping me for the last three years. After the pandemic, I felt even more lost than ever. I am glad my mother booked an appointment with her. At first I was skeptical. I thought Jurema was just another psychic. Ended up that she is so much more than that. She talked about my past incarnations and the reason my spirit is back again. Now I know my purpose and I am looking forward to fulfilling it. Thanks Jurema. I feel like your guidance will serve me for many years to come”.


Age 20, New Jersey

” Jurema is absolutely awesome. She has so much information to share that is almost overwhelming. But the way she explains things is also awesome, so easy to understand and it all makes sense. I’m usually not a very social person, but I felt at home with Jurema as if I knew her before. She is my spirit guide, always will be. Jurema you are so cool”.


Age 15, Arizona

“ I love my therapist. But Jurema helped more in one session than my years of therapy. Now I have purpose in my life and a lot less anxiety”.


Age 19, Wisconsin

”She is so cool. Jurema gave me motivation and reason to continue with positive thoughts and good vibes. She is my spiritual teacher and I am her fan!!!! Thank you Jurema”


Age 14, Florida

”She is so cool. Jurema gave me motivation and reason to continue with positive thoughts and good vibes. She is my spiritual teacher and I am her fan!!!! Thank you Jurema”


Age 14, Florida


“ All I have to say is that Jurema saved my life when I most needed help. She simply “pierced” my heart with unconditional love and joy that I still feel as of now (I talked to her a couple times in 2022). She came into my life in the time that I need comfort love and understanding”


Age 18, New Jersey


“My name is Amy. I’ve been having spiritual counseling with Jurema since I was 14 years old. I am 26 now, and thanks to her guidance I feel like I am the happiest person in the world.

When I started talking to her, I had thought of suicide and a profound depression. I found through Jurema while she channeled my past lives, the reasons for being depressed and why I wanted to end my life. All made sense. I followed her guidance (I still do) to the teeth, and today I am a very young successful professional in a wonderful committed relationship.

I recommended a session or sessions with Jurema to most of my friends and family members. She is for sure a true healer of the soul”.


Age 26, Michigan

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